Please read our explanation of fees and charges.
Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) of $395,000 or Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) $90.47 or a combination of both – for example: RAD of $197,500 and DAP of $45.23 (calculated at 8.36% MPIR as @ 20/09/24. MPIR subject to indexation)
Please note that the minimum asset level, capped bond limit (for residents in care pre-20 March 2008), retention amounts and interest rates are regulated by the government and change at various times throughout each year. In addition, the board of Eventide, from time to time, can adjust the upper amounts of the RAD by applying to the Aged Care Commissioner. Consequently, the figures contained in this information sheet may be different at the time of your admission.
The My Aged Care website has been established by the Australian Government to help you navigate the aged-care system. The gateway is part of the government’s changes to the aged-care system, designed to give people more choice, more control and easier access to a full range of aged-care services.
You can find more information about these and other improvements to Australia’s aged care system, as well as information about the aged-care workforce and a glossary of definitions that may help you understand any unfamiliar terms you come across while finding out more about aged care.